- Internet Software Engineering Education

   Java Learning Plan Resource Review

Java Learning Plan Resource Review

Review of JavaCoffeeBreak's "Getting started with Java"
located at

This is a very basic tutorial that just covers the bare necessities of getting started with Java. The tutorial covers the Java version current as of JDK 1.3, but the instructions for downloading Java will take you to the Java JDK 6.0 download page, and beginners should probably start learning with an earlier version of Java, for example the JDK 1.4.2 version. In addition, the instructions for setting up your development environment only cover working within the Windows Operating System.

The remainder of the tutorial covers creating, compiling and running a simple "Hello World" Java program. The tutorial is followed by a simple quiz to test your memory of the topics covered in the tutorial.

This resource's value ranking is:
2/10 for coverage,
4/10 for quality, and
1 for cost, for a total value ranking of 8